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Amalia Abad, our designer and co-founder, started designing swimwear when she was still in college.

After her first experience working in the Colombian apparel industry, she decided to start her own company where she and her team could do things differently: With Passion!

During the last 13 years we have been spreading our Happiness to more than 30 countries, captivating young and passionate women who, not only want to stand out, but also wish to wear a product made with soul and social responsibility.


We are a Colombian made swimwear company that shares happiness to the world, through every single piece we create.

We are a brand built on ethical labor and conscious production as our core values; every day our team is rethinking and questioning our processes and actions to be better for our employees, customers and the world.

All of our products are made to be of high-quality materials that will allow your piece to be worn for many years. Our pieces are versatile and can adapt to many different occasions.


We have decided to make a difference.

In Malai we don’t only want to sell seasonal clothes, but also unlimited color and exquisite garments that will be at the customer side for a long time.

We love the planet and we want to contribute to it by making high quality, durable fabrics, that will make our product reliable for every summer.



Malai has become a magnet for people that want to bring light to the world.

Unique souls arrive to our Company not only to stay but to grow together the soul of our Brand.

Making sure Malai reflects in each garment its philosophy, its history and everything that is lived inside the daily life of the company.

With the company walking at its own pace, and the design flowing, we have been able to concentrate on making a team that every day will wake up happy to work, teaching them that when things are done with desire and with love, work is enjoyed, the team becomes your family and the results will reach the consumer full of happiness.

We are #AHappyBikiniWorkingforaHappyPlanet

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